
The business has retired. The website will remain as-is for posterity.

Contact Jim Gannon

He was available by phone - anytime…

This is my office phone. If I am away from my desk I am call-forwarded to my cell phone, so I am always available, either directly or via voice mail. Call me anytime for any questions. Or, email: inspectwithjim@—.—.

Please know you are strongly encouraged to attend the inspection. This is for your benefit. You will learn a lot. If you cannot be there, your written report will provide all that you need. Always feel free to call me with any questions.

It is important that you call me to schedule an appointment as soon as your purchase agreement is ratified! I am usually scheduled about 7-10 business days in advance. Cancellations do happen, so calls on short notice are worth trying.

Note: please do not schedule based upon a hope that your contract offer will be accepted by the seller. In all fairness, if your offer falls through, my scheduled service time is then left uncompensated. I appreciate your undersanding in this matter.